Sunday 8 December 2013

We practiced tahaluf siyasi before PAS’

K Pragalath | Sunday December 8,  2013 By Admin
Perak Umno delegate Nizar Zakaria also accused PAS of being insincere and setting conditions for muzakarah talks.

KUALA LUMPUR:  An Umno delegate, Nizar Zakaria while taking opposition party PAS to task  for having relations with its Pakatan allies also emphasized on the need for Umno – PAS muzakarah talks.
“They are still talking about tahaluf siyasi (political cooperation) whereas we have been practicing it for so many years.
“When PAS makes a proposal it is opposed by PKR and DAP,” he said while debating the education and religion-related motions during Umno’s 67th general assembly in Dewan Merdeka, Putra World Trade Centre this morning.
When introducing motions on religious matters yesterday, Penang Umno delegate Shahbudin Yahaya declared war against Shiite Muslims, apostates, socialism, liberalism, pluralism and minority groups such as lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.
He also suggested that the teachings of the Sunni Islam to be enhanced so that it can serve to counter the above mentioned threats.
Shahbudin had called for the setting up of the Islamic Sovereignty Commission to counter deviant teachings and to protect Allah’s name.
Ironically he also suggested that wasatiyah (moderation) is featured prominently under the present government.
The suggestions were made as result of Najib calling for the maqasid syariah to be upheld during his keynote address.
Maqasid refers to the five things a Muslim must defend. They are faith, life, dignity, property, and progeny. Syariah is Islamic law.
Nizar pointed out the situation in BN where Umno was the dominant party.
“We have always defended the dignity of Islam.  Even our first prime minister was adamant in establishing Islam as the religion of the state,” he said.
PAS not sincere
On the possibility of muzakarah talks, Nizar said that PAS was not forthcoming in having the talks.
“Muzakarah is the best way to encourage the unity of Muslims.  We are sincere to have talks but they are giving conditions to have talks,” he said.
Talks about muzakarah was reignited when PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said that his party is willing to talk with Umno in the name of Islam.
Hadi said this during the closing ceremony of PAS’ 59th muktamar (annual general meeting) on Nov 23.
Nizar then said that Pakatan’s stand in allowing communities to use Allah’s name would only serve to confuse Muslims.
The Allah controversy began when Catholic weekly Herald made an application to the courts to use the term Allah in their Bahasa Malaysia section in reference to God.
The Appeals Court however barred the weekly from using Allah several months ago.
Nizar also accused Coalition of Malaysian NGOs (Comango) of attempting to change the culture of Malaysians by championing the rights of transgender in the name of human rights.
“They are challenging Islam.  They want the right to practice unnatural sex.  They are also attempting to abolish Article 3,” he said.
“We suggest that the government use every possible law to punish them,” he added.
Comango is a group of 54 NGOs that sent their human rights report to the United Nations Human Rights Commission for the UN Periodic Review session.
Article 3 of the Federal Constitution states that Islam is the religion of the federation. fmt

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